Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We have all used, or at least heard the phrase, "Happiness is a state of mind." For me, I have to say that I've always generally regarded the statement as true and went along my way. But last night, I was walking through the Pizza della Posta enjoying my pizza when I started to ponder the idea of actually living in Italy.

A lot of the members of the staff at Siena School are former Americans who for one reason or another, have decided to make their homes in Siena. As fun and exciting and all around amazing as this sounds, I could not help but wonder if this place too, would in a sense lose its charm. Do not get me wrong, Siena is beautiful and I could enjoy gelato and panini's on a daily basis. Yet, what makes your happiness here so much greater than happiness there?

For anyone who knows me, I am always focused on the where next, the future, the what is going to happen. I seldom take time to realize the value of today, the here (no matter where that is) and the now. Especially as Americans, we are driven towards something greater. As if what we are currently doing now is never enough.

So as I finished my pizza and headed back up to my room here in Italy I made a resolution to be better at my own state of happiness. To look around and find the good in what is here, along with the good that is to come. To be thankful for Italy, the chance to know them, but also be grateful for America and my home. So Whether you find your happiness in your family, your friends, your work, or your schooling, I encourage you to be overwhelmed with joy and love and appreciate all the opportunities given to you.

You can.
Where you are.
With what you have.



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