Sunday, May 15, 2011

Final Recap

Well, to be honest..this post has been sitting in my entries, waiting to be edited for quite some time. Which means, that I have a lot of catching up to do..
Considering my impending doom of finals, and packing and saying goodbye to my dear friends here, I have decided for both you and I, one entry would be better.

So take a deep it goes...

May 1
For our 'school trip' this year, Siena School organized a trip to the local areas of San Galgano and Spannocchia, Tuscany. It was a great trip.
It started out with a wine tasting at a local vineyard. Yum.
It was unbelievably gorgeous scenery and views, everywhere you looked. 

After the wine, we headed over to San Galgano which is an old area containing a church, with no roof as the construction was never completed. It was very cool. We found out that during the summer it now serves as a concert hall. Jealous.

That night we made our way to the villa of Spannocchia, which was so beautiful.

It is where a lot of Americans come to study/paint/farm etc so there was a mixture of people on the land.We spent the evening cooking and enjoying each others company on one of our last weekends together

The next day a group of Italian musicians came and sang some songs in celebration of May Day. There was a big picnic, a tour of the tower and some little sienese piglets (black and white, the colors of siena) All in all, a completely fantastic weekend.

May 6
The next weekend, we were scheduled to go to Florence for our last Art History trip. The always occurring train/bus strikes put this plan on hold. So a small group of us decided to head up to Cinque Terre, it is a group of 5 small cities sitting right on the coast. Quaint villages with so much charm.
Breathtaking is an understatement for this place. If you ever get a chance to visit Italy, please go here. Everywhere we went was so unbelievable. 


May 10
My dearest older seester informed me that the Giro di Italia would be in Italy while I was still here and I was excited to find out it passed right through a town fairly close to us. The roomie and I packed up after class and headed down to Livorno. It was cool to witness something that I may never get to see again, and I am so glad my seester told me about it!

May 12
On Thursday, the art classes had our final exhibition. A chance to display all the work we had spent the semester working on. It was great to see what my friends had been doing, and post some photos I developed. 

I'm soaking in the last couple days in Italy. 
I'll miss many things about being here.
Four months created a special place in my heart for Siena.
Tuesday night is our final dinner, Wednesday is travel to Milan and Thursday morning flight home.

I can't believe it.
It is bittersweet, but I know home is waiting. John, my friends, my family, a dryer, ice cubes, sushi, burritos, starbucks. 
I am ready. 

"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.  ~Lin Yutang"

love love.

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