Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Truth

Well the plain, flat out truth is that this program, this experience, is absolutely nothing like what I was expecting. I mean, in essence, Study Abroad sounds like 4 months of utter bliss. A sort of vacation from the world I normally experience at home, a chance to meet new people, see and try new things and become a better person. I got words of advice from a lot of people, things like "travel as much as you can" "don't take a moment for granted" "try everything", all he cliche sayings and expressions that you come to expect.

So this past month has been a total time of adjustment. Mentally, physically, everything. I guess I was expecting it to be like the experience I had in Alaska. That experience taught me more than I had ever imagined, and pushed me farther than I ever thought. I will remember that summer for the rest of my life. But the fact is, I am here to go to school. Granted, I love Italy and I am so grateful and excited for this opportunity, but my life isn't as glamorous as the idea of 4 months in Italy would leave one to imagine. I get up every morning, walk to school, and spend the better part of my day in classrooms, learning language and art history and photography. I do not get a spring break, or many breaks at all for that matter. My time to travel is very limited, very very limited. And in all reality, that's what I wanted to do most, travel. That is the vision I had in my mind of my time abroad, spending all my free time being in a different place. Seeing everything imaginable.

But alas, here I am. I do not have as much time as I wished to travel. So this past week I have taken a lot of time to figure out why, exactly, I am here. I know for certain it is not by accident, I am assured that it is a great opportunity, it was just up to me to find the reason behind it. So today, I have decided to look at things in a new light, to create new expectations and reasons for being in Siena. To make my time here, perhaps better than what I had envisioned.

Sure, not every weekend will be spent on trains or buses, to some far off land. But I can use this time to grow in many different ways. I have the opportunity to see works of art that some people can only dream of, a chance to learn a language that will help me better understand the complexities of other cultures. Five hours a week dedicated to photography which has become my passion, my excitement. A class where I am no longer allowed to use the spoken word to communicate and must force myself to experience life the way many others do.

Throughout my reflection I have also come to realize the "abroad" mentality that we all seem to develop. The idea that because you are abroad, you have so many amazing opportunities. Yet, we all seem to overlook those same opportunities in our everyday lives. Maybe because we don't want to "squeeze" something else in, maybe we aren't sure how to get started or maybe we just never take initiative and instead are waiting for something to push us in. I hope that if there is something you have always thought about, wanted to do, or use to do, you pursue it. Don't feel like you have to wait until x y and z line up before you can, just go for it. Being abroad doesn't increase the amount of opportunity you have in front of you, it only makes everything a new start.

In no way am I sad or bummed out to be in Italy, I do realize what an incredible opportunity is in front of me. I am not complaining or upset or anything of the sort. In fact, I feel refreshed, rejuvenated and content. And now that I have fully come to realize what this experience is  and embrace what it is, I can take it for all it is worth.

Carnavale this weekend!
So Stoked!

Ciao Tutti!

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